Community Documentation
Explore relevant resources, documentation, and information regarding community-driven projects
Ag Data Use Agreements
This suite of documents is intended to serve as the shared foundation for OpenTEAM’s envisioned consent management structure for farmer-controlled agricultural data. The static site hosts community-written core documents, including an Ag Data Glossary, Data Fiduciary Oath of Care for Agricultural Professionals, Agriculturalists’ Bill of Data Rights, and Data Hosting and Storage Agreements. We are accepting feedback for periodic iteration, and intend to continue to expand this suite of documents.
FAIR Tech Registry
To work toward an ecosystem of interoperable and reusable tools, we are codesigning a FAIR Tech Ecosystem Registry, which will serve as a curated list of tools and components that comply with FAIR principles. We conducted an early-stage collabathon toward the end of 2023, and will work throughout 2024 to prototype a developer-facing registry of well-documented and reusable ag data tools.
Event Storming for PCSC Data
Toward the end of 2023, we convened a group of USDA Partnership for Climate Smart Commodity projects to better understand our similar challenges related to agricultural data collection, management, and sharing to meet the goals of our projects. This was a one-time, in-person collaboration that now supports multiple ongoing efforts to build greater data-related alignment across projects.
Ag Data Wallet
Our vision for an agricultural data wallet (Ag Data Wallet or ADW) will give farmers, ranchers, and land stewards the ability to store, access and manage their data. They can also control whether, and how, others can see it.
This current collabathon is focused on creating trusted, and consent-driven data management for farmers as a core aspect of the Ag Data Wallet user experience. We are asking questions around data input, sharing, and use with a specific lens regarding trust and assignment of rights toward trusted advisors.