Regenerative agriculture is a holistic, place-based approach to farming and food that prioritizes a healthy environment. Building on Indigenous understandings, skills, and philosophies that have been passed down over generations, regenerative agriculture restores ecosystems, communities, and economies to ensure resiliency. It builds healthy soils, reduces air pollution, conserves water, and increases biodiversity while supporting farmers’ ability to produce food for their community.

Regenerative agriculture is a collaborative effort that requires cooperation and partnership among stakeholders to build healthy, sustainable, and resilient food systems. While practices are farm and region specific, there is a commitment to shared principles to achieve long-term outcomes. These principles include:

  • Minimize soil disturbance
  • Maintain living soils year round
  • Keep soil covered
  • Maximize crop diversity
  • Integrate livestock

Some examples of common practices include managed rotational livestock grazing, use of cover crops, and minimal soil disruption. These practices require knowledge-sharing and collaboration among farmers to effectively implement and maintain them, and an educated consumer base to help support.

Last Update: April 25, 2023  

July 7, 2020 708 OpenTEAM  Agricultural Management Practices