Hub & Network Working Group Call – June 9, 2020

00:04:32 Laura Demmel:
00:12:12 Laura Demmel:
00:34:06 Laura Demmel: We’re very grateful for your participation, Mollie and Hannah!
00:35:03 Mollie McDowell: Thank you! We are happy to be here 🙂
00:44:42 Amanda Cather: I am excited to try to the quick form! is it available to everyone yet?
00:47:11 Amanda Cather: Awesome thank you
00:47:58 Laura Demmel: Is that not the best name for a project? Busting Burps one Bovine study at a time…
00:52:57 Amanda Cather: very helpful and interesting!
00:53:08 Amanda Cather: can’t wait to learn more.
00:53:13 Greg Richardson: Great update! Thanks!
00:53:18 Laura Scandurra: I found the use case to be very helpful. Great update.
00:53:20 Zach’s iPhone: super helpful. thanks
00:55:31 Greg Richardson: Interested to see how survey stack integrates into the overall work flow. And how easy is it to develop survey stack forms or is it best at this stage to wait for the templates / protocols to be made openly available down the line?
00:56:03 Amanda Cather: Personally I love the larger group format, because we will have farms of several production types involved in our project it would be helpful to hear from different farm types – but I could join multiple small groups
00:57:30 Leah Puro: I agree, Greg. I’ve used it in the context of quick carbon and have created 1 survey. They are pretty user friendly to create. Maybe it is time for a demo of that.
00:57:43 Amanda Cather: That would be great
00:59:44 Jeffrey Herrick: Great conversation – rotating to another call
01:02:25 Eva Stricker: also have to run – thanks all!
01:02:45 Amanda Cather: Thanks!

All-Hands Meeting – June 25, 2020

Hey OpenTEAM Community,
Thanks again to those who participated in the All Hands Meeting last week. We hope that it provided more insight into how all our collective efforts within our working groups and communities of practice are coming together to produce meaningful outcomes!
Resources from the meeting:
If you haven’t already, please take a minute to provide us some feedback in the lower right hand corner of the mural. We want to improve your experience of our full group meetings (and working group meetings) in the future.
Regarding a question on website updates, we are beginning those this month with our Resources pages. Stay tuned.
Thanks again to all of our presenters during the meeting.  Cheers to a truly collaborative community!

All Hands Meeting by MURAL

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