Action tools are what we use to act on and change our environment. Action tools and our choices of tools are a reflection of our understanding of our environment defined by our collective observation, analysis and communication. Examples include a cover crop roller, a moldboard plow, animal or plant breeding choices, crop rotation choices and related practices.
Activity Data
Activity data is the record of any user action that can be logged on a computer. In the context of agriculture, it is the digital record of any management action. Attribution (knowing who the user is) is invaluable in analysing and building services around activity data such as payment for agricultural data or environmental outcomes.
Adaptive Management
Adaptive Management is a process of continual improvement by adjusting “action” based on high frequency observations and data driven analysis rather than by expert opinion, best practice recipe or prescription. It requires a high level of system understanding and observation, analysis and communications feedback.
adaptive management planning
Adaptive Management is a process of continual improvement by adjusting actions taken to achieve a goal or objective based on high-frequency observations and data-driven analysis rather than by expert opinion, best practice recipe, or prescription. It requires a high level of system understanding and observation, analysis, and communications feedback.
Ag Data Wallet
An ag data wallet would provide secure storage and transactions of important data, populated by producers or trusted advisors, under the control of the producer. While the word “wallet” evokes both a place where important documents are kept, and something that is under an individual’s control, an ag data wallet can go beyond that by providing mechanisms for individuals to safely exchange data and giving opportunities for financial compensation for ecosystem services. This system will give complete control of data back to producers while also maximizing the value of that data through efficient, secure and cost effective data management at the producer’s discretion. The technology enables farm-level data portability and interoperability across systems, using the MMRV of on-farm outcomes to support management and decision making and increase access to various opportunties. This system further enables security, trust and data sovereignty.
Agroecosystem Model
A model for the functionings of an agricultural system, with all inputs and outputs. An ecosystem may be as small as a set of microbial interactions that take place on the surface of roots, or as large as the globe. An agroecosystem may be at the level of the individual plant-soil-microorganism system, at the level of crops or herds of domesticated animals, at the level of farms or agricultural landscapes, or at the level of entire agricultural economies.
Analytic Tool
An analytic tool is any tool used to interpret and make use of observations and observational data. Examples include tables, charts, statistical tools (i.e. spreadsheets) and models used to predict future system behavior based on past observations.
API – Application programming interface
In computer programming, an application programming interface is a set of subroutine definitions, and tools for building software. In general terms, it is a set of clearly defined methods of communication between various components.
Backbone Organization
A defining feature of the Collective Impact approach is the role of a backbone organization – a separate organization dedicated to coordinating the various dimensions and collaborators involved in the initiative. Supporting backbone infrastructure is essential to ensuring the collective impact effort maintains momentum and facilitates impact.
Black, indigenous, and people of color