Software Platform

A software platform is the environment in which a piece of software is executed. It may be the hardware or the operating system (OS), even a web browser and associated application programming interfaces, or other underlying software, as long as the program code is executed with it. Computing platforms have different abstraction levels, including a computer architecture, an OS, or runtime libraries. A computing platform is the stage on which computer programs can run.

Soil Health Indicators

Soil health indicators are measurable properties of soil or plants that provide clues about how well the soil can function. Indicators can be physical, chemical, and biological properties, processes, or characteristics of soils. They can also be morphological or visual features of plants.

SSURGO – Soil Survey Geographic Database

The Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Database contains information about soils collected by the National Cooperative Soil Survey over the course of a century. This database is available for most areas in the United States and consists of digital soil maps and the accompanying soil properties and interpretations database in the form of GIS data, attribute data, database template, and metadata.


Survey Stack, developed by Our-Sci, is an open source customizable data collection tool to create surveys that can be directly integrated into FarmOS. Users collect data using an Android app and Bluetooth or USB connection to attach measurement data from instruments.

Systemic Racism

Refers to the rules, practices, institutions and customers once rooted in law with residual effects that reverberate throughout society and cause widespread harm and disadvantages in access and opportunity based on race.

Tech Working Group

The Technology Working Group brings together product managers, developers, and others highly engaged in the technology through OpenTEAM. The goal of this working group is to keep one another informed on technology and product updates, identify shared technical needs between organizations or products, prioritize collective actions into work packages and implement the underlying structural work it takes to make the tools within the OpenTEAM community truly interoperable.


Utility is used to support the general functions of software infrastructure in contrast to application software, which is aimed at directly performing tasks that benefit ordinary users. A utility maintains the infrastructure for a public service and also provides a service using that infrastructure. In our software context, utilities can also refer to a common set of microservices and services provided by the community including but not limited to: weather data, soil data, GIS layers.