Visit the OpenTEAM Community page to see the profiles of the technology organizations that are within OpenTEAM. This page will continue to be built out, adding in profiles of Hubs.
How does OpenTEAM get work done as a community?
OpenTEAM is structured into four distinct working groups.
- The Field Methods Working Group aims to bridge science with the available tools to create a versioned and flexible, tiered approach to field methods protocols that will support the needs of farmers/ranchers, researchers and markets.
- The Hub and Network Working Group brings together representatives of participating Hubs and Network farms and ranches with the researchers, developers and companies involved in OpenTEAM in order to facilitate communication across these communities of practice and ensure that Hub and Network members have access to the information and technical resources they need regarding their participation in OpenTEAM.
- The Human Centered Design Working Group focuses on creating internal and external social feedback and design processes for the OpenTEAM community.
- The Technology Working Group identifies opportunities for co-development, prioritizes them into work packages, and builds the necessary elements to support the interoperability of various technological tools within the OpenTEAM community.
We also work together through our Collabathons and as partners on various grants.
How can I become a Hub or Network Member?
Join an upcoming general OpenTEAM orientation! Following an initial orientation, determine if becoming a Hub is right for you and reach out to us directly via email! You can learn more about our Hub and Network Program here.
What is provided for Hub and Network Members that have joined the OpenTEAM community?
- Access to a shared agricultural technology toolkit
- Engagement in a peer-to-peer and cross-collaboration network
- Strengthened research opportunities and datasets
- Protocols that protect user-owned data and data sovereignty
- Cohesive field methods for soil health testing
- The opportunity to share their journey with their customers and throughout the community
Who makes up the OpenTEAM community?
OpenTEAM is made up of a vast community of producers, researchers, businesses, and organizations. Hubs and network members make up the backbone of OpenTEAM. These farms and ranches will provide the social and technical infrastructure encompassing representative regional production systems in the U.S. to scale adoption of soil health management practices. Hubs will be the primary locations for field testing OpenTEAM, and once the platform is ready for wider release, they will serve as ambassadors to help build the on-farm user network. Network members will also play an integral role in testing the technology and platform as it is developed, but will have a more informal role in platform development with fewer reporting requirements.
What are OpenTEAM’s Shared Principles?
We endorse the following statements:
- Agriculture is a shared human endeavor and we have a shared interest in providing everyone the best possible, site-specific, and data-driven agricultural knowledge
- Agriculture is a public science, where we will collectively benefit by creating a pre-competitive space to more rapidly advance our shared understanding of food systems, agroecosystems, climate science, and relationships between soil health, and human health. (read more)
- A shared urgency exists in taking action to improve soil health globally and support continual improvement of ecosystem service delivery from farm and ranchland
- The majority of benefit and natural wealth creation should flow to those most directly engaged in the transformation of natural systems.
- Knowledge is co-created, and user-generated data should be shared as opt-in and controlled by those who created it.
- Pre-competitive contributions to OpenTEAM from each member will help pool knowledge, resources and capabilities in order to speed up the systemic challenges of farmer resiliency and ag data interoperability we seek to solve.
What is OpenTEAM?
Open Technology Ecosystem for Agricultural Management (OpenTEAM) is a community of farmers, ranchers, businesses and developers working to increase food system resiliency in the face of climate change. Together, we are equipping food system leaders with shared knowledge, collaborative frameworks, and open-source, connected technologies to not only build climate change resiliency, but to create communities that can thrive in the face of it.